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Ms. Katharina Wuppinger (Austria)

Africa Programme Advisor
Katharina is a Researcher at the University of Vienna

Katharina joined Worldview Impact in 2008. Coming from a commercial school and having worked in the private sector for several years, Katharina decided to make a transition in 2003 when she commenced her Development Studies and Political Science at the University of Vienna and Nottingham. Katharina’s passion for Africa and her current overwhelming experience with this continent began in 2004, during a 3-month internship in South Africa where she became deeply engaged in activities aimed at improving and sharing her development skills especially in small business development and training of underprivileged youth. In 2005, she accepted yet another challenging task with her appointment to the post of Secretary General of the Youth Employment Summit Country Network Austria. This provided an excellent opportunity to share her experience and approach her objectives in this field, culminating in the participation at the Youth Employment Summit in Nairobi, Kenya in 2006. In the same year, she became a board member of FIAN Austria, an organisation for which she conducted an economic, environmental and social impact assessment in the gold mining communities of Ghana in 2006. Battered by the daunting findings, she became more convinced than ever before of the need to acquire a better understanding of the situation, which hence led to her decision to tackle this as a topic for her dissertation.