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Mr. Damian Orvananoa (Mexico)

Country Specialist
Damian is the Project Development Manager for Odiyana

Transpersonal psychotherapist with over 13 years experience in individual and group processes, facilitation, motivation, conflict resolution and community issues. Damian is currently Project Development Manager for Odiyana, a low-impact habitat and eco-spiritual retreat Community in the cloud forest of Veracruz, Mexico. The goal of Odiyana is to become Mexico´s premier eco-spiritual retreat destination, as an embodiment of the post-carbon neutral paradigm, thus attaining not only autonomy and environmental integrity, but providing guidance as a living example of a human Community living in deep positive symbiosis with its environment. Damian´s interests are in how ride the current environmental wave to attain widespread individual, social and environmental well-being within and beyond carbon-neutrality.